Anúncios programáticos Fundamentos Explicado

A typical transaction begins with a user visiting a website. This triggers a bid request that can include various pieces of data such as the user's demographic information, browsing history, location, and the page being loaded. The request goes from the publisher to an ad exchange, which submits it and the accompanying data to multiple advertisers who automatically submit bids in real time to place their ads.

Imagine qual você está executando uma campanha por vídeo do Google de modo a medir a quantas vizinhos seus anúncios foram veiculados e quantas vezes cada propaganda foi exibida em variados dispositivos e formatos.

But what does that actually mean? What is an RTB platform and why is it so important for digital marketers? Let’s get the answers to these questions and more.

O americano mfoidio tem entrada a mais por 10 dispositivos conectados em tua casa.1 Este marketing digital permite que você chegue ao seu público-alvo onde quer que ele esteja.

What’s more important, it’s a breeze for these transactions to happen: every single transaction in the ad exchanges takes about 100 milliseconds (a 10th of a second). What speed!

This happens through auctions on Ad Exchanges, where publishers website offer their ad inventory and advertisers bid on them, with winners’ ads finally shown to the visiting user.

An advertiser who wins the auction gets his digital ad displayed on a publisher’s property. That’s why it is so crucial to be aware of what to bid for and how much it is best to bid.

After the winning ad is selected, it is displayed on the webpage of the visiting user. The complete process, from user visiting the webpage to the final display of ad usually takes less than 100 milliseconds.

Comparar seu CPA com este desempenho da pesquisa de marca e aguardar do 1 a três tempo de modo a alcançar a performance do CPA desejado, previamente de realizar ajustes.

Se preferir usar uma campanha ou 1 conjunto do anúncios existente, saiba como produzir um anúncio usando uma campanha existente.

ESTES anunciantes usando metas de reconhecimento precisam criar conteúdo em formato curto de que seja altamente engajador.

RTB is measurable and action-encouraging. It makes your campaigns measurable directly after their launch. Indeed, both publishers and advertisers can check the campaign’s results instantly.

Começar com o CPA desejado para estabelecer a performance dele e depois mudar de modo a a estraté especialmentegia “Maximizar conversões” de modo a gerar mais conversões com base no CPA pretendido.

Performance Tracking and Optimization: After the ad is served, both SSPs and DSPs track various metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions to analyze performance and optimize future bids.

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